The disgusting-ness of the world

The great pacific garbage patch.

most people don’t even realize it’s there.

Do you think it’s gross to live beside a garbage dump? 
Personally, I wouldn’t want to either.

How about swimming or bathing or even eating next to garbage? 
That’s what the fish and the marine animals are doing and it’s disgusting.

We have a giant floating MASS of garbage (plastic) smack in the pacific ocean. I wasn’t aware of it until someone (EW) showed me some images of baby Albatross birds found dead – with a handful or more of PLASTIC PIECES in the midst of their decomposing stomach, or the area of.

These images were done by Chris Jordan and can be found here in his gallery.

Some sample photos of his work:

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We’re the cause of this mess.

Innocent birds are dying because they are eating our garbage/plastic.

Don’t know what the great pacific garbage patch is? This video explains it pretty well:

So you know what to do now –

recycle all that plastic.

Even those white lids from the Starbuck coffee you get every morning. I’m guilty of just throwing the cup into the garbage. Time to find that recycling bin for the plastic lid and the paper cup.

~ by amyxuan on April 15, 2011.

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